Another Quilt in the making

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Wonderful giveaway!

Got lucky this morning and a fellow Leo has a giveaway in honor of her birthday!
I love her name... Ruby - how appropriate for a Leo!
I am constantly amazed at the info and just good reading you can get on other blogger's blogs.
Ruby is living my dream - her Mom has a shop and she helps run it and she designs all those delicious patterns:)  I would love to have a shop and have my daughter help me run it and teach classes:)
How much more fun could one family have?
Sign up for her giveaway and enjoy reading her blog.  I loved her doors and detail pictures from Paris!
I must admit she is a new designer for me, but one I will definitely continue to keep up with:)  I love her pattern "Candy Coated Dreams"!

I have a button on my side to link directly to her blog...
Ruby Blue's Quilt studio!
Or you can get there from here...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bonny, thankyou for the link....Warm Regrds, Lyn
